  • 美方校长
    Armistead Lemon
    Welcome to North Cross School Shanghai! North Cross School located in Roanoke, VA, has a long tradition of placing its graduate in the best colleges and universities in the United States.
    It is our intent to provide the same quality education for Chinese students that wish to attend university overseas. This campus in Shanghai will provide Chinese students with an American style, AP based curriculum, American teachers, and college counseling.
    I sincerely welcome your interest in our exciting adventure in international education and truly believe that the students will be well served by our innovative program. Rooted in their Chinese identity, our students will become the political and business leaders of the next generation.
  • 中方校长
    李 健
    North Cross School位于弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克,是一所拥有近80年悠久办学历史的K-12私立学校,长期为美国顶尖大学输送优秀毕业生。作为全球项目的一部分,North Cross School在上海设立了其在中国的第一个校区。
    我们真诚地希望,为向往海外求学的中国学子提供同样优质的国际教育。上海校区将让学生们体验到纯正的美式AP课程、美国教师的课堂魅力和升学指导服务。学生完成课程方案规定的全部课程,并达到毕业标准,可以获得由North Cross School出具的成绩单和毕业证书。我们力求帮助每一位毕业生做好充分准备,以第二语言迎接他们的大学学习生活。